Tattoo Removal Training Courses

What is Tattoo Removal?

In this Tattoo Removal course, we focus in-depth on the chemical extraction and Plasma Pen Salabration process, but we discuss and assess all modalities available for the removal of tattoos currently. The chemical extraction process tattoos over the existing tattoo with a product that extracts the colour pigment in this product. Using the Plasma Pen Salabration method, the epidermis over the tattoo is ablated, thereby exposing the tattoo ink in the dermis. This allows for a salt paste to be applied to cause a salabration effect on the area and thereby extract the pigment. Several treatments are required, depending on the age, depth and colour pigment used for the original tattoo. Tattoo’s can be successfully removed without scaring or side effects if after-care instructions are followed.


1.  To understand the different modalities currently available for tattoo removal – surgical, laser, chemical extraction and salabration/thermabrasion removal methods.

2.  In-depth theory and practical for chemical extraction and plasma pen salabration method.

The removal of unwanted tattoos has become more and more apparent in today’s world. Many people no longer want their tattoos and are trying to find quick and effective ways of getting these removed or covered up. There is no quick fix to removing unwanted tattoos and any removal treatment has its advantages and disadvantages.


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